TrichoScope TPL
TrichoScope TPL - is the best solution for hair & skin care professionals when a lower budget but offering a high video quality equipment is of main importance. This Trichoscope requires additional diagnostic sofware of user's choice, however it has been specifically build and is best utilized with TrichoSciencePro software. The system also fulfils the optimized image with automatic color balance per each diagnosis step and employs "Progressive scan method" to maximize the graphics. The system is based on USB connection in order to achieve the accurate diagnosis result, quite miniature, light and convenient for a handy diagnosis environment. The system injcludes four magnification lenses, adopts radio transmission signal and can also connect to TV set. Below is the list of the system main specifications:
- Intergrated Hair & Scalp Diagnosis System;
- User friendly, easy to operate:
- Delivers clear and accurate images, single capture button and digital pause capture;
- Camera Kit - Scope Camera with handset and holder;
- Lens Kit - 4 magnification lenses (30X (Normal/UV); 40X (Normal/Polarized with protective cover; 200X, 600X);
- Image sensor - 5.0 Megapixels, max resolution: 2560x1920;
- Special DSP image processor, Optical Image Stabilizer;
- LED illuminator around lens, adjustable focus to give clear image;
- Auto white balance and contrast adjustment, Color Temperature Filter;
- OS: Windows 7, 8.1, 10, 11;
- Power supply - uses a rechargeable from PC battery as a power supply;
- Certification: CE Approval, strong and durable long-life product;
- Easily Detachable Lenses (Twist & Press);
- 30X lens Normal/UV dual mode (Trichoscopy, Dermatoscopy; Scalp Analysis);
- 40X lens Normal/Polarized mode, protective cover (Trichoscopy, Phototrichogram, Dermatoscopy; Hair Density, Diamter);
- 200X lens (Trichoscopy, Trichogram; Hair Root, Pore, Scalp, Skin Cells, Hair Diameter);
- 600X lens (Trichoscopy; Hair Shaft, Cuticle)
- Software for camera settings with drivers;
If you are interested in ordering or have any questions about this equipment please submit your inquiry below:
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