Hair EnergyNUTRITIVE TONIC(pH 6.5) - soft nutritive biodyne based on aqueous extract (alcohol-free solution) of plant placenta derived from organic soybean sprouts in the form of tonic lotion. The product is designated to treat dry to excessively dry scalps with increased sensitivity, allergic reactions, reduced secretion of the sebaceous glands, increased dryness of the scalp, various dermatitis, etc., and associated hair problems. Soybean protein contains a balanced set of nine essential aminoacids vital for the body and in this respect is the most similar to a natural (animal) placenta, so it is often also called a “plant placenta”. But most often it is referenced under other name - "dermacenta" (used in cosmetology and dietology) due to its direct regenerating action on the skin. Similarly to humans and mammals, plants do have embryos and plant placenta, in fact, feeds the future bud or fruit during its growth through a veritable little umbilical cord. The plant placenta stem cells are the master cells. They are located at the growing tip of the plant shoot of the apical meristem. Plants maintain small pools of stem cells to continuously provide the precursors of more-specialized cells to sustain growth or to replace tissues. For therapeutic needs, a plant placenta or dermacenta is derived from special species of young genetically unmodified organic soy sprout buds in early stages of active growth, when they develop a significant amount of essential amino acids, peptides (protein precursors) and trace elements. The level of sulfur amino acids in soybeans is higher than any other beans. It also has antioxidant properties that inhibit oxidative deterioration of cells. In addition, bud extract is rich in mineral salts and soluble sugars. These active ingredients release potential regenerating and rejuvenating abilities to create revitalized and resilient-looking skin. The long-lasting moisturizers from its mineral salts (which mend the free water in the epidermis) increase the skin’s ability to retain moisture. According to numerous researches, it was proved, that skin cells under influence of dermacenta increase oxygen intake by 30%. Dermacenta, similar to natural placenta extract, actively stimulates the regeneration of skin cells and their rapid growth by increasing the protein synthesis in the scalp. The main and only active ingredient of this dermacenta (Soy hydrolized protein) actively nourishes scalp and hair roots, stabilizes hair loss and strengthens hairs against the background of the various effects caused by skin irritation, hormonal fluctuations, inflammatory processes, etc. Helps to “tune up” operation of the hair follicles and skin receptors, reinforces the inner structure of hair - hairs are getting harder and more elastic, also protects the scalp and hair from moisture losses. For these reasons dermacenta regarded as one of the most efficient sources of energy to the skin, as well as scalp and, thus, hair. Being considered as an efficient scalp and hair nutritional remedy for females, especially for young mothers and women with rapidly increasing hair loss in the presence of premenstrual syndrome (PMS - a syndrome of premenstrual tension), or pre-menopausal women, as well as during the menopause and beyond.
Directions: Wash your hair with an appropriate line shampoo, rinse off and dry your hair lightly with a towel. Massage your scalp for 2-3 minutes with light circular movements of the fingertips, so the fingers do not slip through hair. Open up a vial at mark and install an applicator. Make a partition in the middle, apply several lotion drops along this partition and massage them into the scalp. Repeat the procedure with the partitions and product application all over the scalp. Use approximately half of a vial directly on scalp, another half distribute through hair roots. When finished continue massaging your scalp for another 2-3 minutes. Do not rinse. It is better to use up completely all the solution, however if there is still some remaining, the vial should be tightly closed with special applicator cap to avoid any evaporation of active ingredients, the container shall be kept free of dust and away from direct sunlight in a dry cool place and used within next 2-3 days. In the course of treatment apply every other day after washing the hair to clean, towel dried scalp. The minimal course suggested is 30 days, then 10 days off and can be repeated again as necessary. Apply once a week by the end of treatment course or if used for prevention purposes. With the scalp balance equalization and associated hair loss reduction this vialed biodyne may be replaced by the same line two less concentrated tonics - Aminoacid and/or Skyncare for preventive care. Precautions: Do not swallow. The lotion is exclusively for external use only. Do not use non-stop and if you are hypersensitive to any of the ingredients in the formula. The product may cause slight skin irritation in some persons. Avoid contact with eyes and face skin, if product spills - immediately rinse abundantly with plenty of lukewarm water. No contraindications. No interactions. No side effects have been noted. Made by Rueber Laboratorios S.L., Barcelona, Spain. Packaging: 10ml vial. Code: IAEA408. Course of treatment: 12 vials. Code: IAE408. Order now ▼