Hair conditioner is the second most widely used hair care product after shampoo. The right way to condition hair - after rinsing shampoo, apply some conditioner in one hand and rub palms together to evenly distribute. Apply conditioner from the middle of the hair shaft down to ends, do not massage it onto scalp unless scalp is dry. Comb through hair to distribute product evenly. Don't leave rinse-out conditioner on hair too long to help smooth the cuticle—it only takes a few seconds to get the job done. Rinse thoroughly - it’s important to rinse shampoo and conditioner completely from your scalp. Stand under the shower and gently lift hair to permit the water to reach the scalp. Hair will be thoroughly rinsed when they feel consistently clean as you run your fingers from scalp to ends. Some people believe a cold water rinse is best. So what is a "Hair Conditioner"? The term "hair conditioner" is vague. Hair conditioners fall into different groups according to what you want to accomplish with your hair. People with thin hair need a specific kind of "conditioner", people with thick, dry hair need another. Conditioners fall into six major categories:
Moisturizers - are concentrated with humectants. Humectants are compounds that attract and hold moisture into the hair. They may not necessarily contain botanicals or protein, however they often do.
Reconstructors - normally contain protein. Hydrolyzed human hair keratin protein is the best source, because it contains all 19 amino acids found in the hair. Human hair keratin protein has a low molecular weight. This enables it to penetrate the hair shaft (the cortex). The main purpose of a reconstructor is to strengthen the hair.
Acidifiers - the key word here is "acid". Yes, is is good to put acid on your hair. When a product carries a pH of 2.5 to 3.5 it is normally termed an acidifier. This pH will close (compact) the cuticle layer of the hair. The result is shiny, bouncy hair. Acidifiers do not weigh the hair, they do create shine, and add elasticity. This category is great for people with fine textured hair.
Detanglers - most detanglers are acidifiers (see above). Most have low pH’s 2.5 to 3.5. They close the cuticle of the hair which causes tangles. Some "shield" the hair shaft with polymers. Some detanglers are instant and others take 1-5 minutes to work.
Thermal protectors- they safeguard the hair against heat. Using thermal protectors are one of the best things you can do to your hair if you blow dry, use curling irons, or hot rollers. They normally use heat absorbing polymers that distribute the heat, so your hair does not get heat damage - a major cause of hair damage.
Glossers - for the most part glossers are cosmetic. Most glossers contain dimethicone or cyclomethicone - very light oils derived from silicone. Used in small amounts they reflect light. Also, they are one of the best products to control the "frizzies".
Oils (E.F.A.’s- essential fatty acids) - if you have dry hair and especially if you have chemically treated hair you need to add oil to your hair. The scalp produces a natural oil called sebum. EFA’s are the closest to natural sebum as sebum contain EFA’S. EFA’s can take very dry and porous hair and transform them into soft pliable hair.