Some more specifics
Choosing an appropriate care option, depending on your hair sort, can significantly improve their condition and help to create a desired hairstyle. Listed below are the main features of care for different sorts of hair:
Straight hair - do you find yourself not being able to care for your straight hair, even if it may seem easy for others? Wash your hair every day to every other day, always wash your hair after you swim! Brush out your hair so it is tangle free before you get it wet, always wet the hair thoroughly. Pour the shampoo into your hand, and foam it up by rubbing your hands together. Work the shampoo into your hair, scrubbing the scalp with your fingertips and being careful not to snarl the ends too much (i.e. piling it up on top of your head). If you have oily hair you will probably have to shampoo every day. Condition your hair. A good conditioner will help keep your hair healthy and will make it easier to untangle after shampooing. If you have dry hair you will need to use a moisturizing conditioner. However, if you have oily hair you should use a basic conditioner on your ends only to help prevent over conditioning. Keep a wide-toothed comb in the shower and comb through your hair before you rinse the conditioner out, always rinse the conditioner out completely being extra careful to not snarl the ends. Blot the hair with a towel, and comb it out once more. Have your hair cut every four to six weeks to remove any split ends. Straight hair is probably the most prone to split ends and should be treated gently.
Thin hair - thin or fine hair can be difficult to manage, especially when it’s long. If it has too much product in it or if it has been conditioned too much, it can look stringy and flat. However, with the right products and styling tools, thin or fine hair can look full and healthy. While you might wish that you had thicker hair, you can work with what you have and create the illusion of thickness. Fine hair is often flat, because the hair are thin and lay on the scalp. It can also look greasy or oily if you use too much product or condition it too often. Since fine hair cannot take as much heat and abuse as thicker hair, it can also look damaged and dull. Heat can strip the hair of its shine and brushing it hard or pulling it up in a pony tail can cause split ends. When people with fine hair wear their hair longer, the ends can look stringy because the hair gets thinner near the ends. To maintain healthy hair, you should wash your hair every other day. This enables the hair’s natural oils to moisturize the hair follicles and it prevents dandruff and using too much conditioner. Washing your hair every other day keeps it shiny, especially if you use curling irons or straighteners on a daily basis. Because thin hair can break and be damaged easily, you should also get your hair cut every six weeks so the dead, dry or split ends can be removed. Fine hair can be thickened in many different ways. You can try using special thickening products, which incapsulate hair from root to tip. Other products help you grow more hair or help your hair follicles become thicker. You can also use hair extensions that last longer and can be washed like normal hair. Another option is to use a teasing comb at your roots to boost your fullness, or you could get a perm. These last two options can cause damage to your hair, so think about your hair’s condition before trying them. Fine hair is thin hair, so simple hair styles like pony tails can cause damage if worn every day. Excessive heat and dryness can cause fine hair to become brittle and dull. If you have natural curl to your hair, you should wear it curly some days to reduce your hair’s exposure to the straightening iron as when you have damaged hair, it only makes your hair look thinner.
Long hair - the long and short of it is that you have a love-hate relationship with your long hair. To best manage your tresses, you need to learn the best ways to wash and dry hair and how to add volume to hairstyles. Hair buns, tucked-under pigtails, twists and side ponytails can all help turn a bad hair day into a stylish one. Breakage is the number one problem with long hair care. Usually, breakage is seen as split ends or fly away strands. Unhealthy hair is caused by poor maintenance, from improper brushing, washing, and too few and far in-between visits to the hair stylist. Poor-nutrition, stress, and even bad sleeping patterns can lead to damaged hair. It is advisable to use special products for long hair care, designed to gently even out the structural differences within hair length, as the state of hair roots may be quite different from the hair ends. If your hair is overly dry and brittle, you should wet your hair and coat it with a thin layer of light conditioner before shampooing. Next, massage the shampoo into your scalp and roots and rinse. Make sure to pick the right shampoo for your hair type -the less chemicals and the more natural ingredients in a shampoo, the better it is for your hair and the less buildup you will see. Do not over condition: using conditioner every day will cause your hair to be greasy. Do not put conditioner directly on your scalp, rather work it through the hair, taking special care to coat the hair tips where most damage occurs, for extremely damaged or delicate hair, consider regular deep conditioning or hot oil treatments. Proper brushing is especially important to long hair care. Hair should only be brushed when dry because hair is at its weakest when wet. A brush with a wooden base and natural bristles, sometimes even called a "long hair brush", is best for long hair. The healthiest way to brush your hair is to bend forward and allow your hair to fall so you brush from the nap of your neck to the tips of your hair. Next, stand up straight and brush your hair from the underside, starting at the hairline and working your way down to the tips and, lastly, brush the top layers with long and even strokes. The number of strokes should be increased gradually, if the hair becomes oily, cut back on the number of strokes. Your hair should always be combed before brushing, including when the hair is dry. A wide tooth comb is best for long hair; stylists suggest using a quality wide tooth comb made from rubber, nylon or resin. Wooden combs are also acceptable as long as they are polished and smooth. Air drying is best way to dry long hair. Overuse of hair dryers can cause damage to the hair and dry the scalp out as well. Try not to scrub or rub hair vigorously when drying – this can cause breakage or unwanted tangles. For long hair care, the best way to curl hair is with hair rollers. Electric rollers, hot combs, and curling irons are hard on the hair and should be used in moderation. Use only on a cool setting. Basic, old-fashioned hair curlers are the safest way to curl long hair.
Curly hair - this hair often is difficult to manage and frizz, tangles and dry hair can be a daily challenge. By choosing products specially formulated for curly hair, daily management and styling will become easier. Determine the main issues or problems with your curly hair whether it’s dry and damaged, lacks volume or tends to frizz. The styling products you need to use will be based on this hair diagnosis. Often, the problems with curly hair stem from dryness and you will need to look for moisturizing products. Look for products that specify they are designed specifically for curly hair. This includes not only shampoo and conditioner, but styling products such as mousse and gel as well. These products are engineered to increase and maintain moisture and address the unique structure and chemistry of curly hair. Read ingredient labels. Choose products with silicones which lie on the top of the hair follicle and seal in moisture to increase shine. These are usually found in conditioners and styling products. Stay away from items with alcohol as it tends to dry hair and cause damage. Try to dry hair naturally, without a dryer.
Wavy hair - while similar to curly hair there is some difference in daily hair care approach. Always use a good shampoo, make sure to put a good amount of conditioner in the shower, leave it on for a few minutes, then brush out and make sure to rinse it all out of your hair. If not rinsed properly, it can make your hair look greasy and ruin the waves. After washing hair, rinse with cold water and do not wring, dry it right away with a towel. Don’t brush your hair when it’s wet, this will destroy your soft waves and make it frizzy. Don’t use a hairdryer to dry hair, instead, let it dry naturally. If it’s looking a bit messy, only comb out the top of the hair and stop where the waves begin. If you wash your hair before bed, put it in a twisty bun to keep the waves, when you leave your hair in a bun during the night, make sure it’s wet - it works better.