As you already know the concept of hair problems is extremely wide. These days there is quite a little chance to properly select on your own where to start from and what to do, especially if the situation gets serious and you want to get the full assessment of the best solution to it. To get it done the best choice is to start from the proper diagnosis of the problem. There is not a greater choice from qualified professionals to get this done. You can basically refer to a Dermatologist or Cosmetologist, if you have a scalp problem, a Beautician, if you have a hair quality problem or, regardless of ongoing problem nature, apply to the "direct" hair problem professional - the Trichologist. Trichology (from Greek: Trichius - hair, logos - science) is the branch of aesthetical medicine that deals with the scientific study of hair and scalp health, so Trichology is basically a hair science. While not all Trichologists these days may be licensed healthcare providers, more medical professionals in associated fields are undertaking courses and/or careers within field of Trichology. The Institute of Trichologists is the oldest professional association for Trichologists in the world, the largest provider of Trichology training in Europe and, since being established over 100 year ago, is the longest established body of its type anywhere in the world. Trichology hair science diagnoses and studies the hair growth and development phases, changes in scalp and hair shaft structure development, also creates and implements the theoretical and practical methodologies for various hair and scalp disorder and disease treaments. The most advanced and successful in this new field of science are European specialists from Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, Russia, also United States, Australia, India. As any other scientific, medical or beauty associated field, Trichology in a first place determines the problem diagnosis, and only after this step a decision on the proper solution method is being made. In order to achieve a correct diagnosis and choose a proper method or approach to solve an ongoing hair and scalp problems Trichology, besides a basic knowledge of hair and scalp biology, characteristics and features, always takes into consideration a fact, that the hair and the skin is an integral body part. Any local skin disorders, lack of healthy nutrition, proper maintenance of scalp and hair, stress and emotions, levels of transmitted diseases and consequences of their treatment, hormonal disorders and medications - this is not a complete list of the reasons, which might provoke hair loss and which are being separated and resolved by Trichology science. For hair loss and associated problems diagnostics Trichologists may use various hair analysis techniques by means of microscopic evaluation and other testing.