Olea Europea (olive leaf) - the olive branch is a symbol of peace, but this plant may be called also a human disease fighter. Olea Europaea is a plant belonging to Oleaceae family. The plant’s leaves contain oleanolic acid, vitamin С, and flavonoids (rutin, lutein and hesperidin). Oleanolic acid forms part of Oleuropein, which possesses many properties useful to the body. The olive leaf extract removes arterial spasms and restores blood circulation. The complex of substances present in the olive leafs contributes to maintain the integrity of blood vessel walls, reduces their fragility and permeability and prevents blood clot formation. Presentday scientific data has demonstrated that the Olea Europaea leaf extract is an effective antiviral remedy exhibiting also bactericidal (inter alia, with regard to resistant strains of streptococcus and staphylococcus) and antifungal (inter alia, in case of candidosis) effects. The structure of leaf extract is very similar to the lipids found in fatty layer on the surface of human skin, therefore, positively affects the skin, does not allow it to dehydrate, normalizes metabolism, has anti-inflammatory and sedative effects. Olive is also well-known to have a positive influence on the structure and health of hair, it reduces hair shafts brittleness, gives softness, protects from fading.
Olive oil - is produced by squeezing olives. It is used in creams, masks and therapeutic products for the hair and skin.
Orchis Mascula (early purple orchid) - flower extract has moisturizing and soothing properties, used in products for skin and hair conditioning.
Oryza Satyva (rice) - extract contains proteins, some fat and carbohydrates, vitamin B, vitamin PP, trace elements (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, permanganate, zinc, aluminum, copper, cobalt, silicon). The extract has a calming, enveloping effect on the skin, gives hair elasticity and shine.
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