E vitamin (Tocopherol) - the main nourishing intracellular antioxidant with strong anti-inflammatory effect, improves the quality of the blood. It slows down the process of cell aging due to oxidation, improves the nutrition of cells, strengthens blood vessel walls, prevents blood clot formation and contributes to their dissipation. Vitamin E participates in cell division, cell respiration and metabolism. When applied externally, vitamin E helps skin healing and reduces the risk of scar tissue formation, improves skin texture, slows the formation of wrinkles. In addition, Tocopherol helps treat eczema, skin ulcers, herpes, it is recommended for any type of seborrhea, provides nutrients to hair follicles and stimulates their growth. Vitamin E deficiency results in hair loss.
Eczema - a chronic skin disease.
Elastin - connecting protein that is responsible for the hardness and elasticity of the skin. While process of aging the content of elastin and collagen in the skin is decreasing. Hydrolized elastin used in cosmetic agents to increase elasticity, protect and improve skin appearance.
Equisetum Fluviatilis (horsetail) - due to high silica content in the botanic extract used to strengthen the internal hair structure.
Essential Oils (Olea Aethereus) - volatile organic liquidous mixtures produced from plants with a strong smell with strong anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. Different essential oils are widely used in products for skin care and hair treatment in combination with other active substances.
Eucaliptus Globulus (eucalyptus) - essential oil has strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, helps heal wounds, has active regenerating effect on skin.
- Euterpe Oleracea (acai powder) - the pulp powder obtained from the dried, ground pulp of the Cabbage Palm. In cosmetic products is used for its abrasive properties to remove impurities from the skin surfaces.
Exogen - phase of hair loss in the hair growth cycle.
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