But for thousands of years men and women have also shared the tragedy of premature hair loss and the hope to discover a cure. As hair has always been a sign of health, youth and strength, than unsurprisingly its loss was always devastating. The history of finding a solution to hair problems goes way back to ancient times. The oldest record of baldness ointment dates back to the year 4000 B.C. Aristotle wrote that baldness characterizes lovelace men, while Hippokrates remarked that eunuchs go bald quite rarely. Later on hair loss was investigated by doctor-alchemist Paracelsus. The ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks spent fortunes on hair-growing salves and wigs. The famous Queen Cleopatra, renowned for her intelligence and beauty, used her hairstyles to enhance her power and fame. She had her hair combed out daily hundreds of times each morning and night with aloe plant juice considered to be a miracle treatment at the time to make hair strong and shiny. In fact, it is believed that Alexander the Great conquered the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean in the 4th century B.C. only because the aloe plants grew there. The Roman emperor Julius Caesar was so embarrassed about own baldness, he began to wear the ceremonial wreath of laurel leaves on his head continually to hide it. In the later centuries balding Louis XIV, The Sun King of France, started to wear long and grand artificial hair, instigating a new fashionable trend. So by the 1700’s all high society wore long, curly, powdered wigs. And in the 1800’s America’s Wild West even tough, range-hardened cowboys were lining-up to get “snake oil” hair-growing tonics...
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